Client-side authentication using SvelteKit and Firebase

Published on 19 September 2024
5 min read
Client-side authentication using SvelteKit and Firebase



In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to implement client-side authentication in a SvelteKit app using Firebase Authentication. This approach provides a simple and effective method for managing user authentication and navigation within your application.

While this article focuses on Firebase, the same pattern can be applied to other authentication providers, such as Supabase.

With the introduction of Svelte runes in Svelte 5 (replacing stores), we’ll utilize runes to manage the authentication state client-side. Runes are powered by JavaScript signals, offering a reactive and straightforward way to handle state across the app. You can learn more about runes here.

Why Client-side Authentication?

  • Faster Page Loads. Client-side authentication is particularly beneficial in Single Page Applications (SPAs), where navigation happens within the browser. This results in smoother user experiences with minimal delays between routes.
  • Simplicity. While implementing token-based client-side authentication from scratch can be challenging, Firebase Authentication simplifies the process, handling much of the complexity for you.
  • Offloading Load from the Server. As your user base grows, handling authentication client-side reduces the server's workload, improving scalability. In simple applications, such as a blog or news site, you might even fully serve your app as a static site with client-side rendering (CSR), leading to reduced hosting and operational costs.
In applications where security is critical (e.g., banking), you should consider handling authentication on the server side instead of relying solely on the client.


Project Structure

├─ lib/
│  ├─ components/
│  ├─ state/
│  │  ├─ user.svelte.ts
│  ├─ firebase.ts
│  ├─ utils.ts
├─ routes/
│  ├─ (login)/
│  │  ├─ +page.svelte
│  ├─ protected/
│  │  ├─ +page.svelte
│  ├─ +layout.svelte
│  ├─ +layout.ts
├─ app.html
├─ app.css
  • The project structure follows the SvelteKit standard.
  • The Firebase configuration and initialization resides in src/lib/firebase.ts
  • Our userState rune is defined in src/lib/state/user.svelte.ts
  • The application has only two routes for the sake of this tutorial:
    • an uporotected login route (/)
    • a protected route accessible only to authenticated users (/protected)
  • UI components are imported from shadcn-svelte.

Firebase Auth

import { initializeApp, getApps } from "firebase/app";
import { getAuth } from "firebase/auth";

// Replace with your project's config
const firebaseConfig = {
    apiKey: "",
    authDomain: "",
    projectId: "",
    storageBucket: "",
    messagingSenderId: "",
    appId: ""

const app = getApps()[0] || initializeApp(firebaseConfig);

export const auth = getAuth(app);
  • If you haven’t alreay, create your Firebase project in the Firebase console and replace the config in src/lib/firebase.ts with your project details.
  • This code ensures the Firebase app is initialized and exports the auth instance.

Creating the userState rune

function createUserState() {
    let user = $state<User | null>(null);

    return {
      get user() { return user },
      set: (newUser: User) => user = newUser,
      reset: () => user = null,

export const userState = createUserState();

This creates a userState rune that manages the authenticated user’s state. It’s mostly based on the official SvelteKit runes announcement. While not critical for authentication itself, this rune helps manage the user’s state across the app.

  • The createUserState functions by initializes a $state rune that holds the value of the user (or null).
  • We use the get property to retrieve the user state when needed.
  • The set and reset meothds allow updating and clearing the user state, respectively.
This makes it easy to access the user state in any .svelte or .svelte.ts file using userState.user.

Login and Logout logic

For login:

async function handleLogIn() {
    loading = true;

    try {
        await signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password);
        await goto ('/protected');
    } catch {
        loading = false;
        alert('Invalid credentials');

For logout:

async function handleLogOut() {
    await signOut(auth);
    await goto('/');

Our login form looks like this:

Screenshot of the Demo SvelteKit Auth app

Managing Authentication and User State

Finally, let’s ensure that authenticated users can access protected routes, and unauthenticated users are redirected appropriately. This logic is placed in the root +layout.ts file:

import { redirect } from "@sveltejs/kit";
import { userState } from "$lib/state/user.svelte";
import { auth } from "$lib/firebase";

export const ssr = false;

export async function load({ url }) {
  await auth.authStateReady();

  if (auth.currentUser) {
      name: auth.currentUser.displayName!,
      isVerified: auth.currentUser.emailVerified

    if (!url.pathname.startsWith('/protected')) {
      throw redirect(302, '/protected');

  } else {

    if (url.pathname.startsWith('/protected')) {
      throw redirect(302, '/');
  • The exported const ssr = false disables server-side rendering for the load function ensuring it only runs on the client.
  • The auth.authStateReady method waits for Firebase to determine the user’s authentication status.
  • The userState rune is either set or reset depending on the authentication status.
  • Authenticated users are redirected to the protected page, and unauthenticated users are redirected to the login page.
You can also fetch additional data pertaining to the user from another source (e.g., Firestore) to populate the user state further.


  • Client-side authentication in SvelteKit with Firebase is fast and efficient.
  • Protect routes based on the user’s authentication status directly in the client.
  • Svelte’s $state rune simplifies managing user state across your app.
  • Firebase Authentication makes handling login/logout and user sessions straightforward.
  • While ideal for many apps, sensitive applications may still need server-side authentication for added security.